Sunday, August 24, 2008

Great idea! Glad that someone got this started. The picnic pictures remind me of the summer afternoons that we spent in Uncle Marshall and Aunt Jessie's backyard (also Grandma Temple's) for picnics when we still lived in New York. This would have been before Robin and almost before Bruce. It was just a yard full of Temples and tables full of picnic food. Everybody ate till they were stuffed and kids ran around the yard everywhere. There were a lot more boys than girls. I remember the lightening bugs too and riding home in the dark. I was recently reminded of Grandma Temple's when someone introduced me to their dog, a little black Scottie just like the one she kept on her bed, where we were forced to nap if we were visiting during nap time. I hated the clock in her bedroom (which you had to walk through to get to the bathroom) because it ticked really loudly and one of my older cousins (a boy, I'm sure, who got a kick out of teasing me) had me convinced it was a bomb.

Well, we have survived Faye here at the McNiels'. Robin, what are you doing on the computer at 4am?


Sandy said...

Ah, yes, I remember those picnics. One of the things I liked was that they had an "old-fashioned" push mower - no motor - which I got to use on at least one occasion.

I don't remember the clock or the inferred bomb or the real Scottie, but I do remember the stuffed dog, and opaque blue "Evening in Paris" perfume bottles in Grandma's bedroom.

Trying to catch fireflies was so wonderful because it was like we were in fairy world...the adults would be sitting within sight but farther away while we ran around in the dark after the elusive creatures. For me, part of the fun was that if we were outside chasing fireflys, it meant we were up waaay past our usual bedtime.

Robin said...

Susan- Unfortunately if I get woken up by snoring, or a heavy bladder, I often find it difficult to go back to sleep. Hope this affliction is short lived.